C++ Helper Classes

template<typename MessageT, typename AllocT = std::allocator<void>>
class OrchestratedPublisher

Wrapper class for a LifecyclePublisher. Counts the number of publish calls made since the last counter reset.

Template Parameters:
  • MessageT – The type of the message that the wrapped publisher can publish.

  • AllocT – Allocator

Public Types

using PublisherPtr = rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecyclePublisher<MessageT, AllocT>::SharedPtr

Type alias for a SharedPtr to a MessageT LifecyclePublisher publisher.

using SharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<OrchestratedPublisher<MessageT, AllocT>>

Type alias for an std::shared_ptr to an instance of OrchestratedPublisher.

Public Functions

inline explicit OrchestratedPublisher(PublisherPtr publisher)

Constructor. Initializes the internal publish counter to zero.


publisher – Pointer to a LifecyclePublisher instance that performs the actual publishing.

template<typename M>
inline void publish(M msg)

Publish a message via the wrapped LifecyclePublisher instance, and increments the internal counter.


msg – The message to publish

inline void reset_publish_cnt()

Resets the internal publish counter to zero.

inline std::size_t get_publish_cnt()

Obtain the value of the internal publish counter.

inline auto get_topic_name()

Returns the name of the topic that the wrapped publisher is publishing on.

inline void on_activate()

Calls on_activate on the wrapped LifecyclePublisher.

inline void on_deactivate()

Calls on_deactivate on the wrapped LifecyclePublisher.

class OrchestratorHelper

Public Types

using SharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<OrchestratorHelper>

Type alias for an std::shared_ptr to an instance of OrchestratorHelper.

Public Functions

inline explicit OrchestratorHelper(LifecycleNodePtr node)



node – Pointer to a LifecycleNode which will be used to create publishers.

template<typename MessageT, typename ...Params, typename AllocT = std::allocator<void>>
inline auto create_publisher(Params&&... params)

Creates a LifecyclePublisher wrapped in an OrchestratedPublisher instance.


params – Any params that shall be forwarded to the create_publisher method of the node.

Template Parameters:
  • MessageT – The type of the message that the wrapped publisher can publish.

  • AllocT – Allocator


The wrapped OrchestratedPublisher instance.

template<typename MessageT, typename AllocT>
inline auto wrap_publisher(LifecyclePublisherPtr<MessageT, AllocT> publisher)

Wraps an existing LifecyclePublisher in an OrchestratedPublisher instance.


publisher – Pointer to the LifecyclePublisher instance that shall be wrapped.

Template Parameters:
  • MessageT – The type of the message that the wrapped publisher can publish.

  • AllocT – Allocator

template<typename CallbackT, typename ...P>
inline std::function<void(void)> wrap_callback(CallbackT &&f, P&&... publishers)

Wraps a ROS callback. Will publish status calls signaling to the orchestrator that a callback has completed if it did not produce any outputs or if any of the passed publishers did not publish during the callback. This is a variant in which the callback takes no parameters (e.g., a timer callback).

  • publishersOrchestratedPublisher instances that can publish messages during the callback

  • f – ROS callback function which may call publish() on the passed publishers.

Template Parameters:
  • CallbackT – Type of the callback

  • P – Publisher types


The wrapped callback function

template<typename MessageT, typename CallbackT, typename ...P>
inline std::function<void(typename MessageT::ConstSharedPtr)> wrap_callback(CallbackT &&f, P&&... publishers)

Wraps a ROS callback. Will publish status calls signaling to the orchestrator that a callback has completed if it did not produce any outputs or if any of the passed publishers did not publish during the callback. This is a variant in which the callback takes a message as a parameter (e.g., a subscription callback).

  • publishersOrchestratedPublisher instances that can publish messages during the callback

  • f – ROS callback function which may call publish() on the passed publishers.

Template Parameters:
  • CallbackT – Type of the callback

  • P – Publisher types


The wrapped callback function

inline void publish_status(const std::vector<std::string> &omitted_outputs = {}, int debug_id = -1)

Publishes a status message for the orchestrator.

  • omitted_outputs – List of omitted outputs (topics of publishers that did not publish although it is expected by the orchestrator).

  • debug_id – An ID for the status message to help debugging the orchestrator. Values less than 0 produce auto-incrementing debug IDs.

inline void advertise()

Advertises topics.

inline void on_activate()

Activates internal LifecyclePublishers.

inline void on_deactivate()

Deactivates internal LifecyclePublishers.

inline void on_cleanup()

Destroys internal LifecyclePublishers.